More than 50 gaming professionals attended the EESG Masterclass 2023, dedicated to using social media in the sector

Over 50 gaming industry professionals attended the EESG Masterclass 2023, dedicated to the use of social media in the sector. The event was hosted by the Black&White Club, part of the Palms Royale Sofia at the Grand Hotel Millennium.

Renowned coach, leading PR expert, university lecturer, podcaster and translator Prof. Dr. Desislava Boshnakova revealed the huge and untapped potential of social media to enhance the positioning of the gaming sector. The content included tips and guidelines on channel selection, format and frequency of published content, and the balance between text, visuals and video. Prof. Dr. Boshnakova provided invaluable insight and many perspectives for the participants. 

Here are the TOP 3 best lessons from Masterclass 2023:

  1. Audiences need diverse content
  2. Better no channel than an unsupported social media channel
  3. The most valuable recognition comes from the competition

Even if you don’t like them, keep an eye on the new social networks to learn the language of your future customers,” said Prof. Dr. Desislava Boshnakova during the event.

EESG Masterclass 2023 is part of the program of the Eastern European Gaming Summit, which takes place on 22 and 23 November at the Inter Expo Centre Sofia.